Για σωλήνες με διάμετρο DN20 έως DN900.
Διαθέστει εξαιρετικά φωτεινή έγχρωμη οθόνη υψηλής ανάλυσης TFT 4,3 " Περιλαμβάνει στυλό ανάγνωσης ή scanner barcode, επιλογή γλώσσας, δυνατότητα χειροκίνητης εισαγωγής κωδικού του εξαρτήματος, ρυθμιζόμενης έντασης βομβητή, καλώδιο ηλεκτροσυγκόλλησης με προσθαφαιρούμενες υποδοχές σύνδεσης 4mm, αυτόματο ανεμιστήρα ψύξης. Λειτουργία σε θερμοκρασίες –200 έως +500 . Συνοδεύεται από πρακτική θήκη αλουμινίου.
High performance due to innovative toroidal transformer technology with flow-optimized, active cooling.
High-resolution, extremely bright 4.3 “TFT color display.
With reader wand or mini-scanner, adapter bag, language selection, adjustable buzzer volume, manual emergency entry. Extra-long power cable (4 m) and extra-long fusion cable (5 m). Weight approx 18,0 kg.
The tool is delivered in a transport box.

Good reasons for the universal fusion unit without documentation:
High performance due to innovative toroidal transformer technology with flow-optimized, active cooling
High-resolution, extremely bright 4.3 “TFT color display: The high-contrast graphic display remains legible even in the most unfavorable lighting conditions and from almost any position
Intuitive user guidance through clear menu structure. With error messages and acoustic signaling for status check of the user
Extra-long fusion cable (4m) and power cable (5m) for maximum freedom of movement on the construction site
With new, handy Mini-scanner or a proven reader wand
Robustly designed to suit tough conditions. The new housing geometry also allows a tilted position for easy operation
Continuous monitoring of the entire welding process and all device functions
With FRIAMAT preCHECK function: The most advanced way to fuse with foresight. The FRIAMAT automatically determines whether the next fusion can be performed completely to the end.