Για τη μετάβαση από την επανασύνδεση σε κανονικό σωλήνα. Με εκτεθειμένες αντιστασεις για βέλτιστη μεταφορά θερμότητας, μεγάλο βάθος διείσδυσης, ευρείες ζώνες συγκόλλησης και ζώνες ψύξης στις άκρες και στην μέση του εξαρτήματος για να αποτρέπεται η ροή λειωμένου υλικού, για χρήση χωρίς την ανάγκη μηχανισμών συγκράτησης.
For connection from relining pipe to standard pipe. With exposed heating coils for optimal heat transfer, large insertion depth, wide fusion zone plus cold zones at the end and in the transition area to prevent the flow of molten material for use without holding devices. Gap reduction between coupler and pipe possible through special preheating barcode.
With pre-heating barcode
Areas of Application
The FRIALEN Relining Slide-over Coupler REM is used for connection from relining pipe to standard pipe.
Additional areas of application:
Integration of adapters into an existing pipeline
Connection of pipelines with fixed or restraint points
Assembly Instructions
The fusion of pipe ends with the FRIALEN Relining Slide-over Coupler REM takes place using FRIALEN-fusing - leakproof and longitudinally strong.
The pipe ends are prepared according to the general installation instructions (see assembly instructions for "FRIALEN-safety fittings for house connections and distribution pipes up to d 225" and "FRIALEN-large pipe technique for laying large pipes and relining pipe networks"). This involves removing the oxide layer and cleaning the pipe ends. Please note that spigot of valves must be at least half as long as the coupler.
To compensate a larger annular gap (> 1 mm, max. 3 mm) between FRIALEN Relining Slide-over Coupler REM and pipe, the pre-heating barcode can be used for couplers REM d/DN 110/100 and 315/300 (see instruction leaflet packed up with the coupler).
For removal of the oxide layer, FWSG scraper tools are available which facilitate an uniform swarf removal and reproducible quality of the fusion area preparation.
Good reasons for using the FRIALEN-Relining Slide-over Coupler REM:
Large coupler depth for ease of pipe guiding (no holding clamps required)
Extra wide fusion zones
Maximum stability through great wall thickness
Cold zones at the front side and in the middle of the coupler
Exposed heating coil for direct heat transmission to the pipe
Small annular gap for build-up of optimum joining pressure in the fusion zone
Touch proof electric contacts
Fusion indicators for visual fusion control
d/DN 110/100 and 315/300: pre-heating technique for a optimal gap-bridging
d/DN 315/300: External reinforcement for an ideal fusion pressure
Durable batch marking
Individually wrapped for dirt protection
Additional barcode for tracing back the fitting (Traceability-Coding)