Για την σύνδεση HD-PE σωληνώσεων σε συστήμα υπό πίεση και μη για τα δίκτυα λυμάτων ή νερού. Με εξωτερική θερμαντική σπείρα για ομοιόμορφη μεταφορά θερμότητας, μεγάλα βάθη σπέιρας.
For the jointing of HD-PE pipes in non-pressure and pressure systems for sewage, wastewater or drinking water pipes. With exposed heating coils for optimal heat transfer, large insertion depth, extra wide fusion zones plus cold zones at the end and in the middle to prevent the flow of molten material for use without holding devices. With pin indicator for visually checking fusion.
Sewage pipe systems are high-value assets of a value which has to be maintained for a long time. Increasing demands on the public sewage system require materials which meet these criteria. HDPE sewage pipes have been fused for many years with the FRIAFIT HDPE sewage system tightly, frictionlocked and root-proof.
Areas of Application
The FRIAFIT-Coupler AM joins HDPE pipes leakproof and longitudinally strong.
Additional applications:
Integration of adapters into existing pipe system
Jointing to pipelines with a fixed or forced point
Reinforcement/sealing of local pipe damage.
Assembly Instructions
Fusion of pipe ends with FRIAFIT-Coupler AM takes place using FRIAFIT fusion – leakproof and longitudinally strong.
The HDPE pipe ends are prepared according to the general installation requirements (see also “Fitting Instructions” for the FRIAFIT-Sewage System). This involves removing the oxide layer and cleaning the pipe ends.
To compensate a larger annular gap (> 1 mm, max. 3 mm) between coupler and pipe, the pre-heating barcode can be used from d 560 (see instructions packed up with the coupler).
FWSG scraper tools are available for the removal of the oxide layer, which enable uniform swarf removal and reproducible quality of the fusion area preparation.
Good reasons for using the FRIAFIT-Coupler AM:
Ensures leakproof, longitudinally strong and root-bound connections
Exposed, tightly embedded heating coil for direct heat transmission to the pipe
Large coupler depth for ease of pipe guiding (no holding clamps required)
Extra wide fusion zones, extra long insertion depths
Short fusion times, short cooling times
Cold zones at the front side and in the middle of the coupler
Slide-over coupler without center stop
Fusion indicator for visual fusion control
From d 250: No coupler extension during fusion due to the outer armouring wire
From d 560: Pre-heating technology for an optimal compensation of the annular gap
Barcode for fully automatic fusion with HDPE pipes from SDR 33 to SDR 17 having regard to the ambient temperature (temperature compensation)