
Ομαλή μετάβαση υλικών σε οικιακό εύρος μεταξύ σωλήνων HD-PE (SDR 33 - SDR 17) και σωλήνων PVC / PP.

Smooth material transition in domestic range between HD-PE pipes (SDR 33 - SDR 17) and PVC/PP pipes. HD-PE side can be fused with FRIAFIT AM sewage coupler, bends ABM/ABMS or with the outlet of the FRIAFIT ASA TL sewage saddle. PVC/PP side as socket coupler with SBR lip seal gasket and large insertion depth.

Επιστροφή Τεχνικό Φυλλάδιο

Sewage pipe systems are high-value assets of a value which has to be maintained for a long time. Increasing demands on the public sewage system require materials which meet these criteria. HD-PE sewage pipes have been fused for many years with the FRIAFIT HD-PE sewage system tightly, frictionlocked and root-proof.


The FRIAFIT UKG adapter serves as a smooth connection between HD-PE pipes (wall thickness ratio from SDR 33 to SDR 17) and PVC/PP pipes in service connections.


Welding the spigot part of the UKG adapter with a FRIAFIT AM d 160 coupler or a FRIAFIT ASA-TL sewage saddle, d 160 outlet, takes place using the FRIAFIT fusion method – tight and with axial force.

The UKG spigot part is prepared (remove oxidic layer/clean) according to the general installation instructions (see “installation instructions” for the FRIAFIT sewage system).

The PVC/PP pipe is inserted into the side where the push-fit coupler sits. The push-fit coupler has a SBR lip seal gasket and a large insertion depth for safe guidance of the pipe.


Spigot part

Safeguards tight and perfectly rooted connection with axial force

FRIAFIT fusion for the connection of UKG with AM coupler or ASA-TL service saddle

Smooth connection between materials when using HD-PE SDR 33 – SDR 17 pipe, no deposit in the area of the joint, no flow obstruction

Push-fit part

Safe guidance of the stoneware pipe due to large insertion depth

SBR lip seal gasket according to EN 681-1

Standardised connection between materials