Η σέλα FRIAFIT ASA TL είναι ένα συμπαγές εξάρτημα που αποτελείται από μια σέλα ηλεκτροσυγκόλλησης με ενσωματωμένη σπείρα σύντηξης στην έξοδο του (d 160).
The FRIAFIT sewage saddle ASA TL is a compact component consisting of a fusion saddle with an integral fusion coupler at its outlet (d 160). The FRIAFIT sewage saddle can be used to join sewer pipes to an existing main sewer system made of HD-PE. With exposed heating element for optimal heat transfer. Tapping area free of heating wires. The FRIAFIT sewage saddle is fixed onto the pipe using the FWFIT clamping and drilling unit (see application picture and product range FRIATOOLS order no. 613480) and tapping takes place after the specified cooling time.
When processing d 200 with pipes SDR 11 - 33 and d 225 - d 315 with pipes SDR 26 - 33 please take care of special assembly instructions.
Clamping and Tapping Unit FWFIT
Sewage pipe systems are high-value assets of a value which has to be maintained for a long time. Increasing demands on the public sewage system require materials which meet these criteria. HDPE sewage pipes have been fused for many years with the FRIAFIT HDPE sewage system tightly, frictionlocked and root-proof.
Areas of Application
Domestic connections to HDPE sewers: These have up to now been carried out using spigot fittings which are connected to the pipe system with heating coil couplers. Retrospective connection to domestic pipes is only possible if the sewer pipe system is separated which is time consuming. The FRIAFIT-Sewage Saddle ASA-TL allows to establish domestic sewer connections without having to separate the existing pipeline.
Assembly Instructions
The component is fixed onto the pipe using a separately supplied unit, the Clamping and Tapping Unit FWFIT and after the fusion process the pipe can be drilled gaplessly once the cooling time has been adhered to. Please refer to the FRIAFIT-installation manual and the FWFIT-operating instructions for preparing the ASA-TL saddle for fusion.
Good reasons for using the FRIAFIT-Sewage Saddle ASA-TL
Economic establishing of domestic connections, particularly in areas with high density of development
Can be used with new installations, restoration and retrospective connections of sewer pipes
Minimal space required due to the compact component design. Pipe connections from HDPE are fused directly into the integrated heating coil coupler of the outlet socket
Direct integration of connecting pipes without misalignment or flow obstructions
No further components required due to integrated heating coil coupler in the outlet
The combined unit FWFIT for an economical finish of the sewage saddle
Barcode for fully automatic fusion process with HDPE pipes from SDR 33 to SDR 11 in view of the surrounding temperature (compensation of the temperature)
Exposed, firmly embedded heating coil for an ideal heat transfer to the pipe
External leak tightness (external pressure) confirmed by an independent institute