ASA VL 225


Για την ένωση μεγάλων κλάδων στους κύριους σωλήνες HD-PE με λιγότερη προσπάθεια, ελάχιστη υπόγεια εργασία και χωρίς διακοπή της λειτουργίας. Σέλες HD-PE με εκτεθειμένο θερμαντικό στοιχείο για βέλτιστη μεταφορά θερμότητας.

For jointing of large branches at HD-PE main pipes with less effort, minimal underground work and without interrupting the operation. HD-PE saddles with exposed heating element for optimal heat transfer. Outlet spigot d 225 for use with FRIAFIT coupler AM or transition coupler AMKG d 225 on PVC/PP DN 200. Innovative vacuum clamping unit for safe bridging of even large pipe out-of-roundnesses and pipe shape deviations, which allows the additional possibility for a leak test before tapping. (see application pictures).

Επιστροφή Τεχνικό Φυλλάδιο

Sewage pipe systems are high-value assets of a value which should be maintained for a long time. Increasing demands on the connecting pipes require materials which meet these criteria. HD-PE sewage pipes have been fused for many years with the FRIAFIT HD-PE sewage system tightly, friction-locked and root-proof.

Area of application

Large connections in d225 have hitherto been produced with spigot reducers which are integrated into the drain with the help of electrofusion couplers. Any subsequent production of connecting pipes is only possible in a time-consuming way by blocking and separating the main drain. The FRIAFIT sewage saddle ASA-VL now facilitates a direct connection without interrupting the operation – cost-effectively, easily and reliably.

FRIAFIT sewage saddle ASA-VL with vacuum clamping unit:

Optimised and construction site-appropriate installation method for sewage saddles. The clamping force of the saddle required for fusion and build-up of the joining pressure is applied by a vacuum. This only requires a compressor usual for construction sites and the VACUSET. Typical out-of-roundnesses and shape deviations of the pipe can be bridged by the clamping method.

Your benefit – simple assembly!

The sewage saddle ASA-VL also permits creating largevolume branches at main pipes with less effort, minimal underground work and above all without interrupting the operation.

The saddle can be fixed at any position on the pipe. Thanks to the clamping method specifically developed, only access to the covered saddle area is required. Specifically in the case of connections to existing pipelines, the bedding in the pipeline zone is only disturbed when absolutely necessary.

Your benefit: Little time required!

Commissioning is possible with only a few actions. Short assembly, fusion and cooling times, and a quick tapping

permit a branch to be completed in almost no time at all!

NEW! Overall dimension processing

For the installation of the ASA-VL use additionally to the clamping unit VACUSET XL the ASA-VL mounting aid. Please observe the processing information on the instruction leaflet and in the FRIAFIT assembly instructions.

Good reasons for the FRIAFIT sewage saddle ASA-VL

Innovative vacuum clamping unit for safe bridging of even large pipe out-of-roundnesses

Easy monitoring of the correct clamping during the fusion process through manometer reading

Fusion taking into consideration the ambient temperature (temperature compensation)

Flush tapping with tapping kit FWAB ASA for optimal hydraulic performance

Level when using SDR 17/17.6 connecting pipes, no drain obstructions

Economic production of house service connections, in particular in case of high building coverage

HD-PE saddle with exposed heating coil for optimal heat transfer
