Για την ηλεκτροσυγκόλλησης σωλήνων HD-PE ή πλευρικών διακλαδώσεων σε πηλό ή σκυρόδεμα. Για νέες εγκαταστάσεις καθώς και μη - χωρίς να διαχωρίζετε ή να εκθέτετε εντελώς τον κεντρικό υπονόμο.
For the connection of fused HD-PE service pipes or side branches to clay or concrete mains. For new installations as well as rehabilitation - without separating or completely exposing the main sewer. The outlet spigot d 160 offers a levelled passage when using pipes SDR17/17.6. Its bright inner surface facilitates an optimal view during camera inspection. Fusible with FRIAFIT coupler AM or FRIAFIT bends ABM/ABMS.
For the assembly of the FRIAFIT connecting spigot the assembly key ASA MULTI MS is required
Sewage pipe systems are high-value assets of a value which should be maintained for a long time. Increasing demands on the connecting pipes require materials which meet these criteria. HD-PE sewage pipes have been fused for many years with the FRIAFIT HD-PE sewage system tightly, friction-locked and root-proof.
Area of application
The FRIAFIT connecting spigot ASA-MULTI is used to connect fused HD-PE house service lines or side branches to clay or concrete pipes. The FRIAFIT connecting spigot ASA-MULTI facilitates an economic connection for new pipes as well as refurbishment – without separating or completely exposing the main sewer. FRIAFIT connecting spigot ASA-MULTI: Space-saving assembly – easy processing – short as
sembly time.
Notes on processing
Tapping of the clay or concrete pipe is made with common core drills – core bit with standardised drilling diameter d = 172 mm. The FRIAFIT connecting spigot ASA-MULTI is assembled by mechanical clamping with elastomer seal. The spigot is directly fused with the connecting pipe using a FRIAFIT coupler AM or a FRIAFIT bend ABM: Leak-proof, friction-locked and root-proof (see also “Assembly instructions for the FRIAFIT sewage system”).
Good reasons for the FRIAFIT connecting spigot ASA-MULTI
Direct transition from main sewer made of concrete/clay to fused HD-PE connecting pipe:
Leak-proof, friction-locked, root-proof
Safe and quick installation thanks to easy handling
Elastomer seal is only required for the interface main sewer/connection
Economic production of house service connections and road drains for new buildings and refurbishment
Little space required thanks to compact design
Use of common core bits
Large tolerance range for core drilling
No penetration of the connecting pipes into the main sewer
Level when using SDR 17/17.6 connecting pipes, no drain obstructions
The type with bright coat facilitates an optimal view during camera inspection.